Monday, March 17th
Friday, March 21st
Saturday, March 22nd
Tuesday, April 8th
Thursday, April 10th
Monday, April 14th
Thursday, April 17th
Tuesday, April 22nd
Friday, May 2nd
Tuesday, May 6th
Thursday, May 8th
Friday, May 9th
Saturday, May 10th
Wednesday, May 14th
Friday, May 16th
The Pike Performing Arts Department is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the state with four concert bands, two jazz bands, three orchestras, eight choirs, numerous theatrical groups, indoor percussion, winter guard, pep band, marching band, and dancers. In addition to these opportunities the department also offers an AP music theory course, IB Music, piano keyboard, and percussion classes.
Call us:
+1 317-387-2666